Failure Approach!

"Failure is not something that should be shunned. Approach, observe, and control your! There has always been the success behind it."

In our lives as human beings who perform the process of achieving the life, of failure and success is not a stranger in our lives. But many argue that failure is something to be avoided and shunned to achieve success. Less wise and prudent would feel if we have a mindset like that, because thinking like that will make what you do to be not in line with what one would expect.

"High risk, high value, no risk, no value," that's how business language says. The bigger the risk, the greater the possibility of profit earned. Conversely when there is no risk, you can bet there is no possibility of profit that will be obtained. Many meninginkan 'value', but not many who dare to take a 'risk', certainly not sinkron.Tidak no free lunch, the only free cheese in a mouse trap. There are no shortcuts, there is no way to outsmart, but many ways to deal with, many ways steer it.

Many people have goals, but they do not realize bahwaberbagai likely to fail is the thing to dihadapidan was waiting for them in achieving that goal. So many who wanted at first, but not many who reach the end because "fall" on the go. It should be understood that the success is the reward for those who have the decency to succeed, for those who have courage and intelligence to take risk.

Indeed there is no guarantee of success when you face a risk of failure, but there is a guarantee when you do not dare take the risk of failure: You will not get anything. Of course, pick up and face the risk in question here is not on the basis of premature courage fiery se, but taking the risk here is oriented risk taking courage and intelligence are ripe.

In taking risks, of course, needs careful consideration about kesinergisan between the carrying capacity to achieve, and the power received from these achievements. There should be a balance between knowledge and experience, whether it is the experience of ourselves, as well as the experience of others.

Dear friend,

Certainly if we look from the side of its existence, failure and success is not located in a different place. There was likely to fail, there is also no possibility of success that follows, like two sides of a coin that can not be separated.


But the real difference of success and failure on the face of the subject and steer it. The success and failure is always in the same place, but is in the hands of people who have different mental attitudes and actions. Think, decide, and do!

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