Your main enemy is Yourself

Several times following the seminar, and several times the workshops, this question often comes to me to ask. The speaker expressed his views with different answers to essentially the same as "Change your habits". Unfortunately at the moment I have not understood what they are yet, I still feel like a shackled by a very acute sense of laziness.

These days even I have taken to try to understand what harussaya do actually. How do I have to change this habit, and should I continue to maintain a habit that may later be "killed" me?

Finally, the answer is I have to make peace with myself. Why like that? The answer came just like that. Apparently I pamper myself and let the desire to pull himself together.

My self-realization process requires the fairly long time, fighting was the right choice. I need myself a diligent, who I have high integrity, and requires a dedicated myself to the work.

Finally, now slowly but surely it began to materialize, lazy nature which undermines the whole mind almost before I started little by little reduced.

In essence, the actual changes that have a very big role is the beginning of his own, start with a peace and then change from the smallest first.

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