Do not be afraid of falling

"And when others advise you to unearth your dream, you step langitkanlah! Your dreams are too valuable to be diminished. When the dream may be present in your mind, he always has room to be realized in life. '

Sometimes we are too ignore our potential to forget the natural process that we have passed; when there is profound value that we can learn in it. For most people who are born perfect, walking has become commonplace for us to use both feet. But do not you realize your ability to walk, run, jump, and activities with other leg, not obtained by the instant process? Conscious or not you are aware, your ability receipts of your feet as currently obtained by a long process and not easy. You can indirectly use your legs for granted, even you have to learn to sit and crawl before you walk. When the bones of your feet have started strong, you have to learn to walk slowly, step by step, just in time they can run smoothly, running and even jumping. After smoothly with both feet was sometimes even you can still fall.

We actually only required to learn how to use the "organs" that God has given us. But when we grow up and try to reach our dreams, many of us who surrendered at the beginning of the struggle. Why did it happen so? Because of the small time, we see too many people who can walk. We become not think the process that we must live.

While as an adult, we see too many people whose lives are not like your life goals, many of them also actually advise you to "shrink" your dream. "Do not dream of heights, then if you fall ill!" I am sure the sentence is often heard. Eventually we also feel we are too ordinary to be extraordinary. In the end many of us choose not fallen at all, rather than fell, got up, and learn from the fall.

Dear Readers,

Like learning to walk, we took our foot bones to become stronger, began to dare to go step by step, experiencing a variety of fall, until at last able to walk and learn to be careful not to careless and fell again.

As it was also us in achieving our success. It takes patience to wait for the right moment to start our steps. Courage to start our steps. Wisdom to learn from the fall. When we have achieved success, it takes character to remain vigilant and not fall because lulled by the success we achieved with difficulty.

And when others advise you to unearth your dream, langitkanlah your step! Your dreams are too valuable to be diminished. When the dream may be present in mind, he always has room to be realized in your life.

Regards success. May be useful.

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