Do not Be Superior To Reason

In a book review show "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata, a visitor asked. Is it to succeed it must feel the poor first? Perhaps those of you who've never read a best-selling novel, will feel how life of scarcity and limitations faced by the writer with the children which Laskar Pelangi others. But, in fact, Andrea Hirata managed to survive in unpleasant conditions, and success as a writer of fiction known to date. In addition, he managed to France and around Europe to Africa, according to his dream. He succeeded in realizing a big dream!

So, what did Andrea Hirata with that question? He replied with a pretty wise, "If I was born to be rich, then I would be able to achieve a higher dream again." In another sense, if that person is in an established and located, then he will have facilities that could make him achieve his wish. In poor conditions it could, especially if the rich! So all the circumstances is not an issue. Appears to inhibit a variety of reasons, shall perform the determination. It was great!

Well, we often base their lives on the reasons of our own making. Want to be a writer for example. Must wait before the idea. Must wait before the computer. Already have a computer, still uncomfortable. Wanted to have the laptop. Eventually, even he did not write. He did not give birth any work of a single article. Why so? For reasons that would take precedence. Even the reasons for it to become a "boss". That is, if used as a boss, then the reason would be an advantage. Will be obeyed. Will be obeyed. Just when we have a tangible superior people.


We are equipped with a mind that is extraordinary, giving God the Almighty. Mind we can use as you wish. Want to think positively or negatively, it's up to us. Well, the problem is when we always think to look for the reason of every effort that we will do. Want to register public universities, not to be done. The reason, many rivals. Our ability is limited. There is even fear when you're in college, the cost will be expensive. Though the problem of cost is a small problem for us smart. Are not offered many scholarships?

Then in terms of finding a job. We are basing ourselves on the reasons many people who register. We are afraid to be eliminated later. Finally, do not enter any form, we have retreated. Do we not believe in the power of chance? And in this world there is always a chance, either successful or failed. If we are back, do not we have failed before it fails? Lost before the match? Then where the price of ourselves as being the most perfect in this world?

The reason can indeed we are looking for and we think. If the person is negative, then of course, the reasons he has in mind is also negative. However, unlike the case with positive people and extraordinary people.
The reason given is the reason that powerful, built and success-oriented. For example, if he should succeed in this world with reason: human life is short, the more successful at a young age the better, wants to prove himself that he can truly succeed, want to raise the degree of self and family, and because it has given food for a successful of God Who Wills. So, he's still running well with reason. Only, the reasons are not as negative people.

In fact, if people are more extraordinary, he does not need to look for reasons, both positive and negative. Anyway, he had in mind was that he should succeed, he must succeed, he must succeed! Because, he was born into this world to be a tremendous success! Regards tremendous success!...

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