EQ in the Workplace

Every day the world was getting older and more full of uncertainties. This condition makes a lot of people experience stress and not put up with, so there is a decided to precede the Lord with his own life. Really sad to hear so many suicidal events around us. So in anticipation of this, it is essential that adequate personal capacity to be able to face any difficult conditions for the better.
Interested in this, I would like explores about how EQ (Emotional Quality - not the Emotional Quotient). In this uncertain situation when emotions often become volatile and unstable, because it takes people who have an excellent quality of the emotion to be able to create a conducive atmosphere. As a counterweight, it takes too SQ (Spiritual Quality).
Anthony Robbins in sellernya best book entitled Awaken the Giant Within wrote about 5 (five) principal problems of life are:
• Controlling emotions
• Controlling physical
• Controlling the relationship
• Financial Control
• Control time
In this article I want to discuss more about controlling emotions. Often times people are misguided about the high EQ and SQ. Some people argue that high EQ person means a person who was never angry. Though this opinion a big mistake. EQ and SQ high and low can be seen when the atmosphere heats up, people could easily say "Dog! You idiot!! Pigs! Stupid! and the words 'zoo' more likely to have low emotional intelligence. While the high EQ and SQ, when marahpun, he can control the behavior and words that are issued so that the hit on the problem to be solved. For example with the words "I do not like the attitude you had when dealing with customers .... Should ....," So clear here, people with EQ - high to anger ... anger is expressed only in context to address and fix something that is not appropriate for the better. While people who berEQ easy low explosive, the words are not controlled so that tends to hurt other people and even cause resentment.
When you listen to the news in mid-December 2007 in which there is a sports teacher at a SMTP in Sukabumi who could stab his disciples until the end of this student dying on the way to hospital. Why does this happen? Because the teacher who can not control themselves as a result often receive ridicule from his students that the neighbors. Suppose, the teacher has a smart EQ and SQ teacher should not be hurt and wreak blindly, the teacher could have called his disciples, make things right, and awaken the disciple that the words are flung inappropriate and hurtful.
One of EQ and SQ its intelligent will be able to:

Always eager to include when the working environment is going through demotivation or has a principle of RMS (Diligent Lazy Same thing) or an important principle of work and the end of the month payday.
Always thinking progressive thoughts and feelings that do not have a stalemate and saturation.
Be proactive to do something useful for themselves and their fellow workers and superiors.
Always be positive, not easily hurt, including when a boss or co-worker do something excessive and likely to injure. Napoleon Hill, a motivational expert said, "No one can hurt you if you are not allowed." In this sense, when you strongly reprimanded by your boss, then you will just take the learning points rather than the more coarse invective flung.
Always fill his days not only to collect their worldly goods, but also collect the reward for the provision in later life.
In my experience in the field, often the front-liner, sales people do not have the above aspects are adequately so that they are susceptible to burn-out, easily ignited emotions when faced with difficult customers. The situation will become much easier when I invite them to exercise self-reflection and to develop empathy. I tend to invite them to make balancing the mind, physically, and spiritually them first and then new science equipped to empathize. They become easier to understand that customers who get angry when dealing with them could be due to many problems before dealing with them, so that when there are few problems that did not deign to make them explode. With practice empathy, they can receive customer reactions, and not making them reactive rather unresponsive to stay focused on the best solution rather than a focus on customer attitudes curses and its customers, even some made it a challenge when I say that "emotional intelligence you topnotch , the reward you much when you can make an angry customer into his anger abated even get out of your room with a pleasant smile. "
The results are the front liners and sales people who want to develop in earnest EQ becomes more 'happy' do their jobs. With a smart EQ relationships between departments became more harmonious working atmosphere that is more fun and more productivity increases.
Through this paper I hope you can take the meaning of the lesson, let's make every day that we live as God's grace, and filled with things of quality, so that life becomes more vivid. Happy practicing! [Lw]

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