Enrich Yourself Through Failure

No one wants to fail. In fact, no one design failures in his life stopped. But sometimes we need to have a little story about the failure of life, so look in the mirror of the failure and take smarter steps to fix our lives.

I include in a row of people who never fail. Even fail in the timeframe that is long enough for seven years. For some reason, people sealim myself (ehem!) could be involved much in the world of narcotics and illegal drugs. In fact, according to my teacher at school, I am including a smart loh! Even one time Indonesian teacher ever tried to trap me in a daily examination. He gave a very difficult question, so I can not answer. But unexpectedly, I can answer all questions. (This is recognition for him when I see him interviewed once during the school about my story, for the purposes of writing a book).

Being a failure for seven years, made enough deterrent. When my friends had stepped on another college, I'm still confused bin stunned when asked about the future. No one agreed that I could have a glorious future. But luckily my life screenwriter make a different story in my life. Because after I turn the prow of an ex dope fiend, a writer, my life is different now. Even failure has now become a precious treasure for me, because my story struggling through opiate drugs off the hook, now I can enrich the faith of others who felt his life was destroyed, but feel I have a friend: an ex dope fiend ... who is now a successful writer.

If you want to add me in your friends list, go ahead. Provided you are inspired by my story, and start creating your own success story ... that never fails but may rise again.

You can not connect from point to point in life by looking forward. You can only see the dots connected when you look back. You may not understand the failures at this time, but believe me someday you will fully understand and appreciate the value of failure.

Remember, failure is success delayed. And, every failure is an important stepping stone to a successful, all depends on how you look.

If you mention a name of someone who has been successful now, consider carefully how the life ... of course he has experienced failures. It may even list more failures than we know, and that we ourselves have experienced.

If we're honest, the failure to give a great contribution for us if you want to take the meaning of such failure, then take a more intelligent to score a success in the future.

How many people in this world who have experienced failure, but when he rose from adversity, then there is a new future in his life. I'm one of them. Now I address the failures with different views. In fact, I conjure this failure becomes a precious treasure, because many people are inspired when she heard the story of my life. Without the story of my dark times, I can not tell much about the story suksesku now, because the story begins from the time of failure for seven years. [Rs]

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