Ward Work Near Completion

Some months ago I applied for a grant to tidy up the Junction end of the Conwy Cob and was pleased to be successful. The top two pictures show the area as it was, overgrown and a litter trap. We also had anti social behaviour in this area, drinking, graffiti etc. To the left of the pictures you can see a concrete wall and below that is the A55, my fear was that an incident could happen here.

The grant has paid for a camera, you can just make it out on one of the lamp posts and landscaping. I feel the area is looking better and more open. This project will be completed soon with some planting of a couple of trees and a couple of bench seats. This project was supported by Conwy CBC's Environment and Regulatory Services departments, Welsh Government and North Wales Police. Thanks to all for supporting and making this area safer and greener.

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