Seminar “Effect of Printing and New Technology on Newspaper

Seminar on “Effect of Printing andNew Technology on Newspaper” organized by Association of Small & MediumNewspapers of Indiaconcluded successfully at Pink City Press Club, Jaipur Seminar and new web site “ was inaugurated by Mr.. Mahesh Joshi, MP.
Additional Director General ofDoordarshan Mr. PJ Sudhakar said that newspapers in democracy and democracy innewspaper is very essential so that the voice of people can put up before thecourt of public. He said that freedom of press and speech is maintain byjudicial forum. Senior journalist Mr. Rajendra Baura described the developmentof newspapers since before independence of India. All India Radio andTelevision given challenge to newspapers industry and they accepted. Newspapersaccepted all technological changes and given new look accordingly. New digitaltechnology is also helping to the newspapers industry. Senior journalist AnilLodha described his experience of 30 years and said that we have to prove ourneed and necessity in present scenario. We should find and accept the soul ofnewspaper and to face all challenges. National President of the association Mr.Keshav Dutt Chandola said that we are ready to accept new technology in allrespect. We have created our web site through blog and this was onlyorganization of web site in India.We are informing regularly our members to be upgraded in all respect and forthis we are organizing such type of academic seminars. Mr. Milapchand Dandiyasaid in his presidential speech that the seminar is really grand successbecause the delegates from 16th states participated actively. Hesaid that all speakers given all related information and proof that we areready to accept challenges. State President of Rajasthan Smt. Asha Patelwelcomed all guests and delegates and Mr. Ashok Chaturvedi (General Secretary) convenedthe seminar.
After lunch, Second session ofseminar was on to save the girl child. Organization SRKPS given presentationthrough projector with detail. They given date and requested to avoid genderchecking and save girl child.
After seminars, national councilmeeting of the association was held in Pink City Press Club, Jaipur under thechairmanship of Mr. Keshav Dutt Chandola. He appreciated the efforts ofRajasthan unit for organizing seminar and nc meeting. He also appreciated thestate units of Assam,Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Gujrat. He given and memento to Mrs Asha Patel,Suresh Garodia, Rabi Rath, T Krishnamurthy Raju and to Shankar Katira.  Activities of Karnataka, West Bengal,Maharashtra, Pondicherry, Punjab,UP, Uttarakhand and MP were reviewed. All respected state president assured thenational council that they will perform according to the need and time formembers. Members raised the problems created by postal department and by officeof registrar of newspapers. Some states are not inviting the meeting of theaccreditation committee. Some states are not constituting accreditation committee.They are ignoring the direction of  presscouncil for accreditation committee . Press Council passed model rules foraccreditation committee and state government must adopt. President Mr. KeshavDutt Chandola told that he will write letters to Communication Minister forpostal problems, directors of information for accreditation committees and tothe registrar of newspapers. If they will not response properly, then we willfile complain to the press council.
2nd day, all delegatedenjoyed the sight scenes of jaipur arranged by rajasthan state unit. Alldelegated given their thanks to rajasthan unit for giving good hospitality.

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