Salesman, Human Learning

When the leaves fall, he did not die, he is still alive, that is to menyuburi soil, providing nutrients for other plants, and also a source of food for small creatures in the soil. That's where we need to realize, that every step must tetapberarti life for life. Seeing that gugurpun still leaves can mean for life, we should live, should mean for self and others.

Life is beautiful. Beautiful roses in the garden, if we can make it meaningful for themselves and others. That difficulties often arise in life it was inevitable. He complement each other, like day and night, the important thing is to interpret life as forging better we can learn is a must.

A salesman, will inevitably experience ups and downs one after another, either hard or fun. The trouble is when the face of rejection, or have to wait long in order to meet with prospects, even panasan must sunbathe in the sun for the prospect of visiting addresses. However, it is a process, which is to forge the character of a seller to be more resilient, more patient, more enterprising and patiently faced the prospect lagi.Penolakan, studied, and a place to learn how to listen to the prospect of what they need.

Commercial visit records, both successes and delay sales can be used as fuel and payload to be able to learn and share with others or as part for self-introspection. There we can take the best lessons from an experience. Understand, some things that can be used as lessons for a salesperson, among them:

1. Selling is a spiritual activity, that you are providing services to many of the products you offer.

2.Jadikan rejection as 'organic fertilizer', so again you are more eager to learn and improve themselves, and transform obstacles into blessings sale!

3. Be happy, because the salesman job is a job that requires happiness, so there will transmit happiness to your consumers.

4. Be a human learner, because a seller who is not born tough, but they are learning and practicing all the time. Either from books or from the experience of commercial visits every day.


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