Forthcoming attractions

January 1st in the archives is a time not only for new resolutions and new projects, but for new raw material: at the start of each year, a batch of material that has been closed for Data Protection reasons is opened for readers to work upon. The precise contents of this year's batch, of course, are still secret for a little over a week. We can, however, give at least the bare-bones information from the archive catalogue about these forthcoming attractions. They include:

  • More material from the papers of Lord Moran, Churchill's physician (PP/CMW), to join that released on 1st January 2011.

  • Two items from the Queen's Nursing Institute (SA/QNI): a volume of the Queen's Roll, on which inspections of nurses were recorded, covering 1926-1927; and - from the card index that replaced the original bound Roll - a microfilm of nurses' records on cards from 1907 to 1927.

  • A file from the Brain Research Association (SA/BRA) explaining the Association's position regarding the 1979 Protection of Animals (Scientific Purposes) Bill and the 1979 Laboratory Animals Protection Bill.

  • Files from the Beit Memorial Fellowship (SA/BMF) on various candidates for a fellowship, discussed in 1927.

  • A file from the papers of the psychiatrist Donald Winnicott (PP/DWW) relating to a few adult patients whose papers found in a small file of predominantly child patient notes from the 1920s.

  • The full list is as follows. Only a little while to go....

    MS.8155; Christo P. Popoff; 1957; letter to Dr. C. Allen of the Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, London. Popoff writes about a case of schizophrenia and enquires about the effectiveness of Largactil in stabilising patients suffering from this condition.
    PP/CMW/D.9/1; Moran's Notes; 1950-1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/2; 1951 Recommendations; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/2/1; London Teaching Hospitals and Regions 'For meetings, 7/2/52 & 6/3/52'; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/2/2; Index to 1951 recommendations; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3; 'Notes 1951'; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3/1; Birmingham I, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3/2; Wales, Leeds, Sheffield; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3/3; North East, North West Metropolitan Region; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3/4; South East, South West Metropolitan Region; 1951.
    PP/CMW/D.13/3/5; Specialities, London Regions and Teaching Hospitals; 1951.
    PP/DWW/F/1; Adult Clinical material; 1920s; A few cases of adult patients found in a small concertina file of predominantly child patient notes from the 1920s (now in PP/DWW/E.2/1) and separated out here.
    PP/HUN/C/1/23; Cysticercosis; 1932-1943.
    SA/BMF/A.2/109; Hacker, Henry Pollard; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/110; Winton, Frank Robert; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/111; Wooldridge, Walter Reginald; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/112; Morgan, Walter Thomas James; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/113; Eggleton, Philip; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/114; Marrian, Guy Frederick; 1927.
    SA/BMF/A.2/115; Fee, Archibald Roderick; 1927.
    SA/BRA/C.1/3/2; Brain Research Association response to the 1979 Protection of Animals (Scientific Purposes) Bill and the 1979 Laboratory Animals Protection Bill (Includes papers from the Committee for the Reform of Animal Experimentation, The Physiological Society, the Research Defence Society, The Royal Society, and the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare); 1980-1981.
    SA/QNI/J.3/35; The Queen's Roll: 8301-8550; Oct 1926-Jul 1927.
    SA/QNI/J.4/1; The Queen's Roll on cards; 1907-1927; 3055-8499.

    Image: 19th century wood engraving from the Wellcome Library's Iconographic Collections.

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