False Claims Against Muslim Leads Write Bollywood

NEW DELHI (AP) - A number of activists of various Muslim organizations took to the streets of the capital on Monday to protest against Shiv Sena chief, Bal Thackeray, who targeted Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan because Pakistan expects players selected for the upcoming edition of the IPL tournament.

The activists set fire to posters Bal Thackeray, founder and chairman of the party Shiv Sena.

"Our message is that Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan are the pride of our nation. Bal Thackeray, Shiv Sena chief, had no right to give certificates to anyone traitor. First, he must exclude Maharashtra state alone. Sometimes he raised the issue of Maharashtra and northern India, now Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. I want to ask Bal Thackeray whether he plans to raise all issues in India, "said one protester.

The rally in New Delhi came after Shiv Sena supporters demonstrated outside 'Mannat', the actor's bungalow in Mumbai, on Sunday (1.31) and set fire to posters of her latest film "My Name is Khan" on Friday (29 / 01).

In the IPL auction held in Mumbai on January 19, none of the eight franchise teams of 11 players bid for Pakistan.

Pakistan cricket team, which currently is the T20 world champions, play in the inagural edition of the IPL in 2008.

But they did not get permission from Islamabad last year because of tensions between India and Pakistan following the Mumbai attacks on November 26, 2008.

The team owner said they did not buy the Pakistani players this year because of worry about the availability of players.

Khan also added that Kolkata Knight Riders did not buy the Pakistani players because they had reached its cap on foreign players, after choosing New Zealand players, Shane Bond.

IPL T20 Indian domestic competition is held in April and May at various locations across India.

This is not the first time Shah Rukh Khan makes a scene of Indian society. In June 2009, filing police complaint against Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan for having hurt the feelings of Muslims.

"We have registered the FIR [First Information Report] against Shah Rukh Khan after we received applications from lawyers who alleged that the perpetrators made several statements that offend Muslims," ​​senior police inspector of Bandra police, Prakash George, said.

"Khalid Babu Querishi alleged that in the July issue of Time N Style magazine, Shah Rukh had used insulting words against the Prophet Muhammad and is not acceptable," said George.

This case has been registered under section 295-a (deliberate and malicious acts that offend religious feelings or any class by insulting religion and belief) and 34 (acts done by some people with common interests) of the IPC.

However, Shah Rukh said it was a "mistake of writing" and that he mentions the Prophet Muhammad in the figures of the most memorable in history.

"Obviously I think there is no more important figure in history than the Prophet Muhammad in the most positive way. In addition, as a Muslim, stood up to defend Islam is my most important agenda. If they (MAC) have seen me on TV interview about Islam and Prophet Muhammad, they know that it's a writing error and not a thought or view that I believe in, "said Shah Rukh.

"For all practical purposes, the Prophet Muhammad is the most important positive figure in Islam," he added.

A misprint in the writing of the magazine also published in the newspapers where the magazine's Mumbai admitted his guilt.

Correction states: "This refers to an interview with Shah Rukh Khan who featured in Style-Luxury Time'N Vol 1: The answer to the question 'Do you think (Shah Rukh) who is the most impressive figure in history?" should appear as follows: "There are lots of them. Some of the negatives like Hitler. Then there was Napoleon, Winston Churchill impressive.

"If it could be called the history of the most impressive is, a positive figure of the Prophet Muhammad and today is Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Gandhi '. ​​This is the explanation and the errors that have occurred very regrettable

MUMBAI (Reuters) - A day after police had been filing a complaint against Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan for having hurt the feelings of Muslims, on Friday Khan stated that the comments in the magazine was misinterpreted because of a "writing error".

The First Information Report (FIR), the First Information Report has been submitted by the Mumbai Aman Committee (MAC) in the Bandra police on Thursday after

"We have registered the FIR against Shah Rukh Khan after we received applications from lawyers who alleged that the perpetrators made several statements that offend Muslims," ​​senior police inspector of Bandra police, Prakash George, said.

"Khalid Babu Querishi Complaint alleges that the July issue of Time N Style magazine, Shah Rukh has used the language of the Prophet Muhammad and is not acceptable," said George.

This case has been registered under section 295-a (deliberate and malicious acts that offend religious feelings or any class by insulting religion and belief) and 34 (acts done by some people with common interests) of the IPC.

However, Shah Rukh said it was a "mistake of writing" and that he mentions the Prophet Muhammad in the figures of the most memorable in history.

"Obviously I think there is no more important figure in history than the Prophet Muhammad in the most positive way. In addition, as a Muslim and standing up for Islam is my most important agenda. If they (MAC) have seen me on TV interview about Islam and Prophet Muhammad, they know that it's a writing error and not a thought or view that I believe in, "said Shah Rukh.

"For all practical purposes, the Prophet Muhammad is the most important positive figure in Islam," he added.

A misprint in the writing of the magazine also published in the newspapers where the magazine's Mumbai admitting mistakes.

Correction states: "This refers to an interview with Shah Rukh Khan who featured in Style-Luxury Time'N Vol 1: The answer to the question 'Do you think (Shah Rukh) who is most impressive is the figure in history?" Should appear as: " There are plenty of them. Some of the negatives like Hitler. Then there was Napoleon, Winston Churchill impressive.

"If it could be called the history of the most impressive is, a positive figure of the Prophet Mohammad and today is Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Gandhi '. ​​This is an explanation and an error has occurred very regrettable."

However, an official from the Bandra police confirmed that the FIR has not been appealing to their demands even after a misprint in this paper have been published.

Shah Rukh is currently filming his new movie is titled My Name is Khan, a film which tells the story of isolation and struggle of a Muslim to defend its dignity in an increasingly violent world.

 This film has faced many obstacles, while shooting in the U.S., their permission to take the film at the local mosque has been rejected, and some members of the U.S. visa application Muslim production team has been rejected.

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