J.R Martienz

People involved with a local organization which provides support for burn survivors are thrilled about J.R. Martinez's Dancing with the Stars Victory.


“I wish you could see my email and Facebook,” said Amy Acton the Executive Director of the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, located in Grand Rapids.
Martinez, a United States Army veteran, was 19 when his Humvee hit a land mine in 2003. He endured injuries to more than 40 percent of his body. Martinez, now 28, went on to score the role of a veteran on ABC's “All My Children.” The journey eventually landed him a spot on the Dancing with the Stars stage which culminated in him taking home the mirrorball Tuesday night. To the Phoenix Society, the win represents the shattering of the image of a who a burn survivor is, said Acton.
“People do heal from burn injures and go on to do amazing things,” she said. “There's so many stories like that within our community.”
Those stories include a chapter on Acton herself. She was electrocuted in a boating accident, and Brien Dews of Rockford who survived a plane crash in 2000. Most burn survivors wouldn't change the course of their lives, said Acton.
“It helps us realize some strengths and passions we didn't realize before,” said Acton, “When you are challenged like that it's the literal phoenix rising.”
Acton and several members of the society's young adult program visited Martinez who serves on the board of directors for the Phoenix Society on the set of Dancing with the Stars in October.
“What he's doing is breaking down those myths and misperceptions of people with a difference,” she said.
Martinez shattered more misperceptions when he was featured in People Magazine's Sexist Man Alive issue under the Men of the Year section.
“It really is breaking down those images of what beauty is,” Acton said.
Its a well-received change for the 450,000 people treated for burn injuries each year, 90, 000 of whom are children under the age of 14, according to the Phoenix Society.
Finding treatment for burn injuries can be difficult because there are only about 120 burn centers scattered throughout the country, and many may not be easily accessible depending on location. Also, a burn survivor often has trouble finding emotional support once they leave the hospital, said Acton.
That's where the Phoenix Society and people like J.R. Martinez come in: to prove people are more than their scars.
“I think that's why people gravitated to J.R., because we've all had struggles, ours are just more visible,” said Acton.
There's been an outcry since the news broke yesterday that Prospect Park has suspended its plan to move cancelled soaps 'All My Children' and 'One Life to Live' online. Many of the actors involved have taken to Twitter and Facebook to vent, and the unions involved have issued statements saying don't blame us for the failure.

Now the soaps' creator, Agnes Nixon has spoken out, saying there's still plenty more life in the old shows yet. According to 'The Daily Beast' she's even come up with "a compelling plot" starring brand new 'DWTS' champ J.R. Martinez. He played police officer Brot Monroe on the soap for three years until it was cancelled back in April.

Nixon says she doesn't blame Prospect Park founders, Jeff Kwatinetz and Rich Frank, for calling it quits: "I am sorry they had to give up the intent to put it on and I'm very grateful to Rich and Jeff for their efforts, but I know that no matter what happens, there is still much story to be told in both 'One Life to Live' and 'All My Children,' and in my heart, I believe, it may still be told. And I'd love to be part of the telling."

Yesterday Prospect Park said that the online move failed because of insuperable economic challenges, and there have long been rumors that the various guilds and unions reperesenting cast and crew were unyielding in their demands for broadcast-rate salaries. However, two of the largest unions involved, Writer's Guild of America (WGA) and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) moved quickly to distance themselves from suggestions that they are to blame for the deal collapsing.

WGA told Soap Opera Network, "We were disappointed to learn that Prospect Park's financing fell through. Prior to the end of last week, we were close to a fair deal for the writers."

In a statement, AFTRA said it was "deeply disappointed to read that the executives at Prospect Park have decided to suspend their efforts to produce ... 'One Life to Live' and 'All My Children,' via online distribution."

The statement continues, "Despite initial progress in our negotiations ... we were perplexed and disappointed that for the past month Prospect Park has not responded to our repeated inquiries to resume those discussions. We now conclude from the press reports that Prospect Park faced other challenges unrelated to our negotiations, which prevented continuation of those discussions."

There's been no word yet from Susan Lucci, but her former 'AMC' co-star Vincent Irizarry wrote on Facebook, "It's hard to ignore the profound irony in the last words spoken on AMC, after 41 1/2 yrs of entertaining countless millions, delivered by 'Erica,' who said, 'This is not the ending I wanted...' My heartfelt sympathies go out to all, especially the incomparable, loyal fans, after all their years of support, to have to live through this 2nd death. This news will never diminish our gratitude to you all..."

Kristen Alderson, who played Starr Manning on 'OLTL,' tweeted "Extremely sad sad news... No #prospectpark deal for AMC or OLTL. So many lives affected by this #RIPOLTL."

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