Seven Steps Patience

Seven Steps Patience

Once, in a house in a secluded hut beautiful mountains, there lived an old man known for his wisdom. Many people from various places come to him to ask the old man's advice. One day, there came a man who had traveled three days by foot. Arriving at the front of the old man, the man pleaded for advice on how to control emotions or anger rapid and uncontrolled burning.

Having briefly looked at the man, the wise old man nan it was said, "Young man, every time you offended, angry or provoked emotions, remember patience seven steps. Ie stepped back seven steps and seven steps forward again, and do it seven times in a row. Do it with steady steps while counting. After that, then you take the decision to act. "

Perceive some wise counsel, he happily went back to her village. He believes once controlled a difficult emotional problems suffered must be solved. The three-day trip back home should he take. Day was late when he got home. With shabby clothes, body tired and sore, and very hungry stomach, he entered the room his wife. In her mind imagined dinner and warm water to bathe normally provided by his wife. But such was thunderstruck, he found his wife was fast asleep under the covers with someone else.

For the sake of seeing sights sepertiitu, immediate recurrence of disease duration; emotions blinding his senses, "Damn! New left briefly alone had dared to put someone else into the room ...!" With an overwhelming anger, the man pulled out a dagger intend to kill them both. However, he spontaneously remembered the old man's advice is wise and right to practice; holding up his hand wielding a dagger and anger outward breath, pounding feet and the sound was immediately heard the count. Commotion finally woke his wife.

When his wife woke up and reveal a blanket, how surprised and relieved because it turned out the man who accompanied his wife to sleep is his own mother. Second was also a sense of syukurterucap of a vibrating mouth. He has succeeded in preventing an act of emotional and stupid. I wonder what would happen if he followed his emotions alone, does not follow the advice of the wise grandfather, he might have killed the people who most loved, and his life will be plagued by a lifetime of regret.

Dear Readers,

Patience is the pearl of life we ​​deserve and must have! When we struggle but have not been successful, we need patience. Patience in the fight could also be interpreted as a tenacity, perseverance, or mentally resilient.

When faced with another person's emotions, we need patience. The more so when our own hurt, anger, and emotions, we also need to brake in the form of patience. Patience in that context means a mental maturity to be able to hold back and control our attitudes so as not to fall into irrational actions that harm.

Patience is a science of life that we must have if we are to achieve true success. Without patience, we will easily get stuck in negative communication and social relationships difficult to establish constructive. Without patience we tend to easily perform the actions that invite unbridled regret later on. Rather, exercise patience means to lessen the possibility of regret.

So, when emotion overwhelms us, remember the "seven steps patience"!

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