About Body+Soul Magazine

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Mission Statement

We were founded in 2003 as Body+Soul: Whole Living. Since then, we've been at the forefront of the movement to live a healthier, more sustainable, and balanced life, striving for total wellness for mind, body, soul, and planet. In June 2010, we began publishing under the name "Whole Living: Body + Soul in Balance."

At Whole Living, we believe that possibilities always outdistance limitations. We know that "yes" is more powerful than "no" and that cultivating your soul is as important as caring for your body. We believe anyone can create a life of beauty, deep satisfaction, and radiant good health. We believe you don't need an entire life makeover to enact healthy, positive changes that benefit you, your family, and the planet. In all aspects of living, small and meaningful steps can yield profound results.
Ten Tenets of Whole Living
1. Happiness is a choice. Make that choice today and every day.

2. Good health isn't a gift; it's a habit you cultivate.

3. A healthy, fit body is not enough -- true fitness engages the spirit.

4. Think more about what you should eat than what you shouldn't.

5. Laugh at yourself. You're funny.

6. Nurture your spirit. It's your source of strength.

7. Stay connected to the natural world. It will feed your soul.

8. Believe in yourself. Your intuition is rarely wrong.

9. It's never too late to take the first step toward your aspirations.

10. What you pay attention to will thrive.

Read more at WholeLiving.com/10thoughts.

Five ways to work out at the beach

When it comes to your training, variation is a critical factor in success. If you train the same way each week, you can expect to look and feel the same.

Effective exercise is about challenging your body. So let’s shake things up – at the beach.

Training on sand and in water is a great way for you to mix things up and give your body a fresh challenge. Anyone who has trained on sand will know: it’s tough.

Much harder than training in the park or at the gym. Added bonus: lifting and driving your legs out of soft sand gets your heart rate up higher and burns the legs like nothing else.

So let’s get your butt down to the beach and hit the sand.


Here are five ways to get you closer to your beach-ready body.

1. A great workout to increase your fitness

Make two lines in the sand 30 metres apart. Do a quick warm up. Then sprint between each line 10 times with a 30 second rest in between. Make sure you work hard from the first rep and try to keep a consistent effort for all ten.

2. A top all-body workout

Burpees on a hard surface are tough. On sand they are a killer – but don’t let that scare you. A burpee, in short, is laying your chest close to the ground as quick as possible, then rising to your feet, and a jump in the air. For this workout, do ten burpees on the sane as quick as possible. Rest for 60 seconds. Then repeat. Complete 3-6 sets in total. Watch how to do burpees on body+soul TV.

3. Great for the legs and butt

Start by making two lines in the sand 20 metres apart. Begin doing walking lunges from one line to the other, keeping tall through your torso with your back knee descending to the sand. Jog slowly back and go again. Complete 3-5 sets in total. Watch how to do walking lunges on body+soul TV.

4. Challenging, but the results are worth it

Make two lines in the sand 20 metres apart. Start at one end and run to the next. Once there, do 10 push-ups, run back and do 10 sit-ups. Return back and do nine push-ups. Keep this pattern up doing a descending number of each exercise, and the run in between, until you get to one rep of each. Time how long it takes and try to beat your personal best.

5. This will get the heart pumping

Leave your towel on the sand about 40 metres from the water. Run from the towel and into the water. Wade through the shallow water and when it’s deep enough swim for five strokes. Spin around and swim back out of the water. Sprint back to your towel. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat. Do 5-10 sets.

Do you exercise at the beach? What do you do?
Tell us how you work out by the beach.

by Damien Kelly

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