9 tips for managing an online store

Let's success with an entrepreneur in the virtual world or commonly called the Online Entrepreneur!

May be an entrepreneur by selling products offered on the internet, selling digital products on the internet, selling physical products on the internet, or it could also become the owner of the website such as web advertising ad sales - buying property, selling web ads - buy a car and so on.

This time I will discuss what if we become entrepreneurs Shop Online, How do I manage it when it already has a lot of visitors / lots of traffic and want to turn it into a high profit?

Well, here's 9 Tips on Managing Online Store to get high profit:

1.      Diligent latest product updates | Kick is what makes Mr. Irwanto Jo as miliader www.tanah-abang.com website owner, the website can compete with other websites as diligently update the product every day.

2.      Selling a unique product, exclusive highly sought-after and rarely sold others | eg selling quality shoes and hand painting whose image is contained can be ordered by a prospective buyer, this is a unique and rare, if you sell shoes like this are usually there will be many buyers from various regions in Indonesia and even abroad.

3.      Granting Special Price | Giving this special price to increase sales, such as special pricing in the context of Valentine's Day and so on.
4.      Giving Bonuses or Free Facilities | Bonus Buy 2 example 1, Buy 1 Get 1 Free, Free Shipping, Free Installation etc.
5.      As much as possible to receive all forms of payment | Payment can be bank transfer, credit card, paypal etc..

6.      Do not get too many forms to be filled and made dizzy prospective buyers | try pegisian brief and fast course, and please be assisted with the service your customer service.

7.      Keeping a good service, over IM or phone. | Deal with friendly complaint, they are buyers who can do more repeat orders or repeat purchase again.

8.      Design an attractive header | try to display an attractive header that can enhance your image more professional and more trustworthy.
9.      Use a web design that can Multi Language and Currency 2 Currency minimum Rupiah (IDR) and U.S. dollar (U.S. $) | This is necessary because you want to increase profits and sales to foreign countries, as did www.tanah-abang.com

In running the Online Store, this product does not have to issue our own products but can be other people's products, could be another store products, can another company's product, or product can be anyone who wants our help to our jualkan on the internet and we as marketers or shop owner Online it will get the proceeds of such fee.

Let co-founded the Online Store from now and change it into a profit!

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