Biba Golic Sexy Photo and Pics

Hot Female Table Tennis Player Biba Golic Sexy Wallpapers - Photo Pics

Biljana Golic - affectionately known as Biba Golic.

Yugoslavian by birth, but now living in the USA, She is best known for her film star looks and sexy table tennis outfits - qualities not usually associated with the world of table tennis!

With a current World ranking of 239, She may not be one of the best players in the world, but she's certainly one of the most in-demand players in the USA.

Biba Golic Table Tennis Video Pics
Biba Golic Table Tennis Video Pics

Biba Golic Sexy Photo Pics

Biba Golic Sexy Photo Pics

Biljana Golic affectionately known as Biba Golic Pics
Biljana Golic affectionately known as Biba Golic Pics

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